Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I live with MORONS

Seriously, what is wrong with these people. Do they have brains? Can they hear? OR maybe they are just related to their dad. I don't even know where to begin. Number One...I swear something is wrong with him, like maybe he has brain damage or something. OR...he is just the laziest person on the planet. I am so sick of telling him over and over and over and over and over to do stuff. The Whiner isn't too bad about listening but everytime he does what he is told he comes and asks me what he gets for doing it. MY LOVE AND ADORATION? I guess that isn't enough. And then there is Princess Spazzy. She tries, kinda, really she does. Today she swept the kitchen and part of the dining room for me as I loaded the dishwasher. As I was loading the dishwasher I found that the sink full of slotted spoons and other things like that was also full of "stuff" from her kitchen. Stuff including, two ponytail holders, a bunch of dishes and play food (which I actually wanted to wash), some baby toys (again I am OK with washing those), a My Little Pony from McD's, a foam ping pong ball, a chair from her dollhouse, some pieces to a Play -Doh table and drumroll please...something everyone needs to wash .........Mr. Potato Head's eyes. WTF? I KNOW she was just trying to help but c'mon. AGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to hide from these people. The Dad is soooooooooooo lucky that he gets to go to work everyday. Of course he does have to come home to Moronland but he is only here for a few hours before he gets to go to Dreamland. I want to take The Baby and run away.

I just heard this conversation happening. The Whiner says "Spazzy don't do that....gross" that piques my interest. "Ooooh she is putting syrup in her milk" says Number One. "Hey she is like Elf" says The Whiner. "yeah. I'm Elf" says Princess. Then they all laugh.

CALGON TAKE ME AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't even want to go in there, but I am going to have to rescue The Baby soon before he catches it.

I noticed that Princess Spazzy was missing from the table of morons and just found her in her room, sitting at her Disney Princess vanity, combing her hair with a teeny comb singing "everything I always a dream" She's kinda cute when she isn't being a moron.