Monday, May 12, 2008

Back by popular demand

Go to the bathroom, grab a drink and maybe something to eat it is gonna be a long one :-)

Soooooo since I last wrote life has been quite the adventure. I was on a blogging roll and then I took a short trip to Indiana to help my sister (who does NOT want to be referred to as Number 2, so now she will be known by her given name BOOBOO) pack her crap and move to Illinois. IT wasn't the most enjoyable trip. It is nearly impossible to pack stuff without boxes and with three babies. I think I was just there for moral support. We also nearly died on the way there when Booboo and her husband, who would said he wants me to refer to him here as "Cap'n Sparkly Pants", had to RACE to see who could get into Indiana first. This involves stretching you arm out towards the front of the vehicle so that your figertips will be the first thing in the new state. I guess they do this all the time. I thought they were doing some dance move. Well that is until I realized that when Cap'n Sparkly Pants reached to "win" he pulled the wheel somehow and we crossed at least one lane of traffic and then he quickly corrected and I think we crossed one on the other side. Luckily it was about 1am so the road was pretty dead. The rest of the trip was pretty uneventful, well except for when the Cap'n backed into my van with the moving van. My poor poor van. The trip wasn't all bad. Booboo's old house is about 3 blocks from a 7-11 so I got to have some Slurpees.

Hmmmm, what else... Oh we came back to Illinois a day late and then I ended up spending another week with Booboo and the Cap'n and the twins which really meant I slept on her couch everyday and we went shopping and I played with babies. It was kinda fun there were NO BIG KIDS to take care of. Actually I think maybe Jenna came and stayed there with me. Man it was so long ago I can't remember. I think I came back home for a few days and then we, the kids and I, spent Spring Break at Booboo's house. I think they had fun. AND...I think Booboo is almost unpacked :-)

I think some other stuff pr'y happened but it has been a really long day which started with a killer migraine so I am still kind of in a fog. I guess I can blog about Mother's Day. The Dad and I went out of Friday night. I am saying it was for V-day since we had the flu for that little holiday but he claims it was my Mother's Day present. I THINK NOT!!!! Saturday the plan was to clean the house, get it ready for The Dad to spray for bugs (I hate SPRING) and then we would go to Sister #1's house and spend the night so that we would be there bright and earlier for Mother's Day Extravaganza 2008. I guess Sister #1 should get a new name too....hmmm how about Belle. So Belle called me periodically throughout the day asking when we were coming. I kept saying I didn't know and that my family sucks. I think it was 6pm before we were ready to leave. I took the suitcase out to the van and the back of the van was locked. I went to the side door...locked...went to the driver's door...locked and of course I wouldn't be telling this story if the keys weren't locked inside. Still not sure who did it as all of the big one's claimed they didn't do it. Actually The Princess said she did it but we can't figure out how she got out of the van once she locked it. I think it was the bigger people. Thank GOD we have a spare key...oh wait The Dad likes to keep that safely tucked away IN THE GLOVE BOX OF THE VAN. Hmmmm 7pm on a Saturday who should we call. The Dad ended up googling ways to break into the van and was finally able to get in and we were on our way to Belle's house. We stopped at Walmart on the way for something, oh cards and stuff and to get me a present. Nothing like shopping ahead. We ran into some old friends and ended up being at Walmart for 2 hours. Belle thought we had a car accident. We finally made it to her house and went to bed. Belle got up super early on Sunday and started making breakfast. We had LOTS of bacon, pancakes, waffles, eggs, hashbrowns and sausage bread. Oh there was yummy fruit too. We all ate like pigs and I took a nap. Oh The Dad got me a cute card that The Princess picked out and the kids got a cool recordable card and a ring for me. I guess that The Whiner picked it out. He likes to buy me jewelry. The Dad said that Princess Spazzy was shaking with excitement as they picked it uot and paid for it and of course she couldn't keep her mouth shut and she told me what it was as soon as they saw me. She was begging to give it to me Saturday night. It is a cute little ring. I would post a pic if I would have remembered to bring my camera home. OOPS. Sister # 3, hmmm I'll call her CC and my mom made a nice dinner of oven fried chicken breast and spagetti and ravs. I had to laugh as all of the dad's and childless aunts and children ate as the grandma and the two moms took care of their kids/grandkids. What is wrong with that picture?

Oh yeah, Belle got a Wii. My kids have spent the entire day today bitching about how sore they are. I guess they need to get out more :-) I really really really really REALLY want one but we need to be responsible with our money for once. I hate that.

I guess that is all...ooh we have pet turtles, we got them after a strom washed the poor little things into our garage. They smell. They pr'y carry disease. They are boring as hell but I couldn't just throw them back out in the yard to die. The Whiner named them Jimmy and John so it would be like Jimmy Johns, but I changed their names to Crunch and Squirt, much more turtle like.

Ok I really am done now. Let's see if I come back tomorrow...

1 comment:

Niecy said...

LOVE IT!!!! Welcome back and a very fun and interesting read!!!